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Hi, I’m Dokeun, a Java fullstack developer with over 3 years of experiences in a wide range of disciplines.

This is my working story. Since 2014, After I worked for 2 company and have IT club activities, I have diverse develop experience. 
 My role was that full-stack develop and open source called Cloud Foundry (PAAS) analysis in SoftwareInLife company for 2 years and 6 months. I learned about how I should make kind of application structure and method of developing web service.
 My role was that back-end develops in NiceDNB company for a year. At the time, I learned about how I make SQL query and method of developing backend application and how I refactor old code.
 And I developed an android application and tutored university students in IT club named YAPP for 2 years.

My technical expertise includes web publishing (including HTML, CSS), fluency in 3 scripting/ programming languages (including Javascript, Java and SQL), experiencing front-end/back-end frameworks(including Spring, AngularJs, BackboneJs) and cloud-based knowledge(including AWS, GCP) and experiencing to use container(including Docker) and advanced knowledge of developer applications, tools, methodologies and best practices (including OOP, TDD, client/ server architecture and self-test automation).



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